Wednesday, February 21, 2024


March 1,  2019

Brought Dyson Home!


January 14, 2019

Dyson was born!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

2017 Amanda made it to 15!

Welcome to Sugar Plum's Place, where I'll be posting pictures of all the Dachshund and Dachshund mixes I've had since 1984 when I found Peaches, a 7 week old Dachshund mix playing with a coke bottle on the size of the road across from a peach orchard.

At the very bottom you will see links that will eventually have pictures of Amanda's family and the two Dachshund mixes that made me fall in love with Dachshunds, Peaches and Sugar Plum. The original blog post that started all this!

Amanda & Mandy

"Tails" of Amanda and Mandy & Felicity

March 3, 2017

Late this afternoon Amanda left us while snuggled in her cave bed. I'd been carrying her around in it all day while we were working on the van. I'll miss you girl...

 February 18, 2017
We know for sure this morning that Amanda's kidneys are failing. In fact, probably they have been slowing down for a few years and especially the last year. I'm so sad, I'm going to miss her so much. At least she did get to make it to over 15 and one month.

January 15, 2017
Amanda made it to 15! 
Mandy is 5 months old today!

Amanda had kind of a setback yesterday afternoon, don't know if she had a minor stroke or just twisted her ankle. ETA: I think it is arthritis but it is affecting really bad. I've now got her on Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM but that takes so long to kick in. I know I won't have her much longer, she has outlived all her litter mates and parents, as far as we know, she is the last of her mom's children still alive.

Feb 5, Amanda suddenly started being able to walk on 3 legs if we massaged that left back leg. She didn't put it on the ground but was able to walk on the other three legs.

Feb 17, 2017: It WAS arthritis, Monday night the 13th, Amanda suddenly started walking on all four legs, that left back foot touching the ground. Being able to squat down and get back up, fall down, able to get back up and keep going. That was amazing because it does take 4 to 6 weeks for it to kick it to work. It did say you could double the dose the first 4 weeks and she got back on her feet in 3 weeks and 3 days. But her appetite has gone back down, she won't eat the last day and a half, just drink water and I can sometimes get her to drink chicken broth or goats milk. Talking to the vets office, looks like I can spend a lot of money but I don't think it will help her. This has been going on so long and actually, it is amazing that with all that is wrong that she has lived 15 years. I'm going to miss her so much... She made it to 15 years and one month on Wednesday.

Settling into one of her Christmas presents, the Dachshund Cave! Stupid tag said "Kitty Cave" but Amanda knows different! She loves it. Hard to get a picture of her awake in it, the moment I put her in it, it is nap time. The grey penguin blanket is her other Christmas present.

Amanda and Mandy just before midnight, waiting until the birthday hour!

 A midnight birthday breakfast of her favorite, chicken and rice, heavy on the chicken! She has lots of doggy dishes but lately, it seems easier for her to eat off a small plate.

Mandy of 5 month old birthday morning while Amanda is still sleeping.

January 1, 2017

Chillin with Jeff on New Year's Day

Mandy meeting sister ShortGo and Dad for the first time in a long time.

January 21
Mandy scared the heck out of us. Jeff put on one of his leather work gloves so they could play. She gets ALL excited when he puts on a glove, she knows it is playtime! They had been playing a bit when Jeff told me to come here, something is wrong with Mandy. She was behaving like something was stuck in her mouth.

Jeff said she just bit my glove and then started acting like that. I stuck my finger in her mouth, didn't seem to be anything, then checked to make sure something wasn't in her throat and I saw something flip out of her mouth. She was suddenly fine. I told Jeff, "Didn't you see something come out of her mouth?" He looked for a moment and found it. A baby tooth! All that worry and it was a baby tooth. We are a little on edge because of Amanda right now.

2016 Goodbye Davy, Hello Mandy & Felicity

2015 Goodbye Anabel & Trouble

2014 Goodbye my Snoopy boy